Monday, July 14, 2014

Local visits from USCIS

The USCIS Atlanta Field Office will set up a Mobile Outreach event in Dothan and Montgomery, Alabama during the third week of July. At this event, USCIS will provide case status on pending applications and general information.

Dates and time for the event: July 15, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  AND July 16, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 pm AT:
Dothan Mobile Services Unit
St. Columba Catholic Church
2700 W. Main St.
Dothan, AL 36301

Dates and time for the event: July 17, from 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. AT:

Montgomery Mobile Services Unit
Governors Square Branch Library
2885-B East South Boulevard
Montgomery, AL 36116-1208

NOTE: If you do not speak English fluently, please bring an interpreter.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

EOIR wants to hire temporary immigration judges

Download the published proposed regulation from egov:

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sick U.S. economy

If you want to know how sick the U.S. economy is, look at the labor participation rates.

Federal judge says detention of immigrants is unconstitutional

    The Seattle Times reports that a federal judge in Oregon has ruled that an immigrant's constitutional rights were violated when she was held in jail at the request of immigration authorities after she was eligible for release.
    The judge wrote that local law enforcement officials are not required to honor requests from federal immigration authorities, such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, that someone in custody continue to be held even though their original charges were resolved or they are eligible for bail.
    Perhaps most important, the judge wrote that local law enforcement officials may be held civilly liable for doing so.
    Similar rulings in other federal jurisdictions have prompted local law enforcement officials to announce that they will no longer honor requests for such "holds."

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Little known public policy organization re-writes your laws and takes away your rights

ALEC is an organization funded primarily by the Koch brothers and other corporations that want to take away your rights.  Little is known about it.  State legislators are persuaded to take laws written by ALEC and introduce them in their legislative bodies.  It's working quite well.  See:

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Farm groups want comprehensive immigration reform

Immigration reform that focuses solely on enforcement would cut agriculture production and cause a sharp rise in food prices, according to a study released Feb. 10.  Read more:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Not this year

My immigration lawyer colleagues hate it when I write this, but I don't think Congress -- as partisan and divisive and harsh and nasty as the politics are -- can pass comprehensive immigration reform this year.
Many incumbent Republican members of Congress will be "primaried" this summer if they indicate they support some kind of comprehensive immigration reform.
While most Republican members of Congress know that they must be seen as supportive of Latino and Asian voters' desires for comprehensive immigration reform if the GOP is to see the inside of the White House again, most Tea Party members could care less.
Unfortunately, it is still my view that gridlock in Congress will prevent comprehensive immigration reform from even coming to a vote in the House. I hope I'm wrong.